Here's what all of that is:
Back row:
A poster for the graphic novel Anomaly.
A nice pair of Men in Black sunglasses.
A poster for Geof Darrow's Shaolin Cowboy and/or Dark Horse Presents.
A poster for The Losers, using art from the comics series but promoting the movie adaptation.
A poster for the 25th anniversary of Dark Horse manga.
A Hellboy in Hell poster.
A poster for Ryan Browne's God Hates Astronauts, with art by Paolo Rivera. Technically, this was one of the Kickstarter rewards for the book, but I picked it up from him at the convention, so it counts.
Second row:
An issue of Hero Complex magazine.
Giveaway comics from Marvel, Dark Horse, and Archaia.
A preview ashcan comic for Jeffrey Moy's Video Game Gals, promoting a Kickstarter campaign that apparently wasn't successful.
A Dick Tracy head sketch by Jim Brozman, who worked as Dick Locher's assistant when he was drawing the strip, and who also used to work at my local comic book store.
A print for Steve Horton and Michael Dialynas' Amala's Blade.
A print for the graphic novel The Fifth Beatle, by Vivek J. Tiwary, Andrew C. Robinson, and Kyle Baker.
A couple of cute Marvel prints by Skottie Young.
A "bookplate" for God Hates Astronauts, with art by Joe Quinones and Maris Wicks.
Cat Le Drivers #1, by Kevin D. Bandt.
Solution Squad #1, by Jim and Rose McClain.
Third Row:
Burning Building Comix, by Jeff Zwirek.
Wolves of Odin, by Grant Gould.
Halloween Eve, by Brandon Montclare and Amy Reeder.
Hector Plasm: Totentanz, by Benito Cereno and Nate Bellegarde.
Noirness, by Boulet.
Very Near Mint, Volume One, by Justin Peterson.
Auto Correct, a minicomic by Andrew J. Rostan and Biz Knapp, published by Yeti Press.
A print for Husbands, the internet TV series and comic by Brad Bell and Jane Espenson.
An "Itty Bitty Hellboy" print by Art Baltazar and Franco.
Bird Witch, Chapter 1, by Kat Leyh, published by Yeti Press.
Manta Dad, a spinoff of the webcomic Manta Man, by Chad Sell.
Kill All Monsters, Volume 1, by Michael May and Jason Copland.
Bottom row:
Aw Yeah Comics! #1-2, by Art Baltazar and Franco.
The Curse, by Mike Norton.
Green and Bear It, a Muppets children's book by Martha T. Ottersley and Amy Mebberson.
A lanyard promoting Archaia's Hawken.
A Hellboy papercraft model featuring art by Art Baltazar and Franco.
Gertrude the Great, a children's book by Trisa Laughlin and Jill Thompson.
A lanyard promoting Dark Horse manga.
A Star Wars origami kit.
Artist Alley Comics.
A Visit to the Museum of Chinese in America and The VIP Room, both written by Amy Chu, along with a Girls Night Out paper doll.
I think that's everything in the photo, but I've also got a ton of other stuff to sort through and write about, so stay tuned for more blatherings about the stuff I saw and thought worthy of mention!
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